
This project involved the routing studies, permitting, ROW acquisition, design, and construction support of 13.0 miles of dual circuit 69kV transmission in Southern Maryland.  Approximately 5 miles of this transmission line followed an existing single circuit transmission line, while approximately 2 miles of this transmission line involved the relocation of an existing transmission line out of a wetland area.  The remaining 6 miles was new greenfield construction.

Booth performed the initial load growth analysis in Western Charles County to help identify the ideal location for two new substations for serving load in the area.  Booth performed transmission route analysis for this line and approximately 20 miles of future transmission lines in Charles County.  Once final routes were established, Booth assisted with preparing exhibits and plats for procurement of the right-of-way for the transmission lines and purchasing the substation sites.

Vibratory caisson foundations were utilized in areas with high water tables and poor soil conditions to improve constructability and simplify environmental permitting issues.  In other locations, drilled concrete pier foundations and direct embedded structures were utilized.  All design was performed using PLS-CADD, MFAD, and LPILE.

Booth prepared all material procurement contracts, labor contracts, and project schedules for the project.  At the request of the utility, Booth developed construction sequencing drawings and construction phases to spread material procurement costs and construction costs evenly across the project schedule.

















































































Please contact David S. Huffstetler at 919.851.8770 for more information about our Transmission Services or email huffstetlerds@booth-assoc.com


Line Voltage

Dual Circuit 69kV

Length of Project

13 miles

Engineering Challenges

Routing Studies, ROW Acquisition, Railroad Crossings, Poor Soil Conditions


Raleigh, NC

2300 Rexwoods Drive, Suite 300
Raleigh, NC 27607

Baltimore, MD Office
400 Redland Court, Suite 200
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Charlotte, NC Office
9300 Harris Corners Parkway, Suite 460
Charlotte, NC 28269

Summerville, SC Office
237 Old Summerville Road, Unit H
Summerville, SC 29486

Houston, TX Office
24285 Katy Freeway
Katy, TX 77494

Baton Rouge, LA (BHA) Office
9342 Lindale Ave
Baton Rouge, LA 70815


